Berquin, Arnaud: L' amice de’ fanciulli. Trad., ed ampliato dal francese, de Francesco Sastres.

Dublin Core


Kinderliteratur; Französische Literatur; Italienische Übersetzung;


Bd. 1. Titelkupfer "Charity"
Sign. "H. Ramberg, del. F. Bartolozzi, sc."
Knieende Frau mit einem nackten Kleinkind, deutet auf ein Reliefporträt von Königin Charlotte am Himmel, links zwei weitere Kinder. 
Ex. British Museum S,7.2; Beschr.: "A woman kneeling down, holding a naked child in her left hand, pointing at a portrait of Queen Charlotte with her right index finger; two more children on the left".
2. Bd. [Digitalisat nicht ermittelt]
[Titelkupfer vielleicht] ”Ah dura necessita!”
Sign. "Ramberg inv: del. / Delatre sculp."
Beschr.: "A man in rustic dress leaning on his stick, the other hand at his hip, looks down to left at a girl who kneels in front of a hay-stack to collect stray leaves of straw, with a basket beside her, with other hay-stacks and a large building in the background to left" (British Museum).

Bd. 3 (1788)
Titelvignette Amorette mit Schärpe (Text "TI GUIDERO FELICE") trägt Lorbeerkranz
Sign. "Ramberg inv.t del.t. Bartolozzi sculp:"
Beschr. British Museum: "I'll guide you to happiness". 

Titelkupfer [laut BM, nicht im Digitalisat] “Figlio. O quanto mi costa il dividermi da tè!”
Sign. "H. Ramberg del.   F. Bartolozzi sculp."
Beschr.: Frau führt einen gut gekleideten Jungen, der ihr bis zur Brust reicht, vor sich her zu einer Kutsche, er blickt traurig zu ihr auf. 

Nach S. 46: [zu "Il Parricida", S. 44-46]
"Orrido Parricida!"
Sign. "Ramberg del.   J. Neagle sc.t."
Beschr. British Museum: "A young man looking horrified as he finds the body of a murdered old man slumped on the right". 

3. [prüfen; Zuschreibung British Museum] "Mortal che sei? un nulla".
Sign. "Ramberg del.    Bartolozzi sculp."
Beschr.: Interior with a young woman seated on a stool in front of a table, gazing at a child sleeping in a cradle at left (British Museum); Mother Seated Next to a Table Watching an Infant in a Cradle (Metmuseum); A Mother looking at her sleeping child (Museum Boston). 
4. [Digitalisat ohne Titelkupfer
nach S. 54. 
Bez. "Il Principe. Soglio parlarle incognito / Eugenia. O Dio! Chi sicle? / Vedi p. 52" ["Il Commiato. Dramma di un atto, 44-103]
“H. Ramberg del.   J. Neagle, sc.”
Beschr.: 2 Männer, einer mit Dreispitz, einer mit hohem Pelzhut. Mädchen gebückt, Baum und Gebüsch.
"Two soldiers speaking to a girl gathering flowers" (British Museum).
Separatdrucke? "Publish'd. May 17. 1789 by G. Ernst." 272 mm x 220 mm. 

[Titelvignette?]  bez. "A ME TI FIDA".
Sign. "Ramberg invt. delt. Bartolozzi sculp."
Nackter Putto mit Fackel vor einem Podest mit der Inschrift. 
Ex. British Museum 1897,1231.203: "Vignette of a winged child in the air, holding a torch in his right arm, pointing to an inscription on a pedestal on the left with his left index finger; a book open on top of the pedestal."

[prüfen, Band nicht ermittelt] bez. "O Divina Amista!" (Oh divine friendship)
Sign. "Ramberg del:    Bartolozzi sculp:"
In a garden; on the right, a young boy walking towards left, holding peaches in hands; on the left, a girl seated on a bench, in profile to right, sleeping.

[prüfen; Band nicht ermittelt] "Amor d'infanzia!"
Sign. "Ramberg inv: del.   Delatre sculp"
Oh. Abb. British Museum; A man looking at a boy lying on a mound; two tombstones on the left; beyond, a church.

[prüfen; Band nicht ermittelt] "
Lenta pietà non giova"
Sign. "H. Ramberg del.   I. Neagle sculp.t"
(BM:) A young woman sitting under a tree holding a lamb and a bowl of water, from which the animal eagerly drinks; on the left, a cart driving away


1. P.11705-R Fitzwilliam Museum University of Cambridge, UK
2. British Mus. Nr. 1871,1111.601 oh. Abb.
3. Metmuseum Accession Number: 67.749.41(12)
    Museum of Fine Arts Boston Accession no. P10549 [ no image]
4. R  Print Fitzwilliam Museum P.11706-R
    Drawing in British Museum: "A prince in military uniform puts his hand on the shoulder of a young country girl fleeing to the left; a soldier wearing a bearskin stands on the right."

[prüfen Ex. in SUB Göttingen, SBB-PK Berlin]


London: Sam. Hooper


1788 [-89]


1. Bartolozzi, F. (Stecher);
2. Delattre, Jean Marie (Stecher);
3. Neagle, J. (Stecher);


Zeichnung zu Nr. 3 m British Museum, dort [falsch] zugeordnet Hannover Unabhängigkeit 1813.

Zeichnung zu Nr. 4 (British Museum)


129 mm h x 79 mm w.


1. Abb. in Rohr, S. 16.

Aufzählung in: Tuer, Andrew White: Bartolozzi and His Works: A Biographical and Descriptive Account of The Life and Career of Francesco Bartolozzi, R.A. London: Field & Tuer, [n. d.], Volume 2, 99; abweichend von oben:
Titelvignette Bd. 1, "A Me ti Fida" "Ramberg, inv. del. Bartolozzi, sc."
Frontispiz Bd. 2. "Mortal che sei? un nulla"
"Ramberg, del. Bartolozzi, sc.
Titelvignette Bd. 3. "Ti Guida Felice"
"Ramberg, ill. Bartolozzi, sc."
Frontispiz Bd. 4. "O, Divina Amista!"
"Ramberg, del. Bartolozzi, sc."

Romolo Artioli: Arte Retrospectiva -- Bartolozzi Francesco, in: Emporium 9 (1899), S. 369-387, hier S. 385-386.
Calabi, Augusto; De Vesme, Alexandre, Francesco Bartolozzi. Catalogue des estampes et notice biographique d'après les manuscrits de A. De Vesme entièrement réformés et complétés d'une étude critique par A. Calabi, Milan, Guido Modiano, 1928, 1685.

Original Format

1. Stipple engraving
4. Drawing in British Museum

Physical Dimensions

1. 18 x 11 cm.
"Il guiderò felice"
"Orrida Parricida"
"Il Commiato" (Drama)